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Lodash 4 Cookbook

For lodash 4.17.21

Lodash 4 Cookbook

In modern web development, JavaScript is a must-to-learn programming language. Using JavaScript is not an easy task. Most of JavaScript APIs are low-level APIs, which are hard to learn and use. Lodash is a popular JavaScript utility framework. It provides a lot of high-level APIs which are more convenient to remember and use. Developers can dramatically increase productivity by using lodash.

This book is a very good start point to learn lodash 4 and apply it in practice. It covers core concepts and functions provided by lodash with real examples. For some complicated functions, e.g. functions related to functional programming, this book has a more detailed explanation.

Most of the code examples are written as Jest test cases with ES6.

Lodash is no longer updating, so there won't be further updates to this book.