From Java 17 to Java 21
Upgrade to Java 21 LTS from Java 17 LTS
Upgrade to Java 21 to use virtual threads.
Changes from Java 17 LTS to Java 21 LTS, including updates in Java 18, 19, 20 and 21.
Content included in the book:
- Pattern matching
- Record patterns
- Pattern matching for switch
- Unnamed patterns and variables
- Multi-threading
- Virtual threads
- Structured concurrency
- Scoped values
- Standard library changes
- UTF-8 by default
- Internet-address resolution SPI
- Simple web server
- Sequenced collections
- Key Encapsulation Mechanism API
- Java languages
- String templates
- Code snippets in Java API documentation
- Unnamed classes and instance main methods
- Panama project
- Foreign Function & Memory API
- Vector API
If you are currently using Java 11 LTS, check out another book From Java 11 to 17.